5 Facts You might not Know about Konark Sun Temple

Konark Sun Temple (Konark Surya Mandir) is a 13th-century  Sun temple at Konark about 35 kilometres northeast from Puri on the coastline of Odisha,India. It is built by king Narshimadeva, the great ruler of the Ganga dynasty from 1243-1255 AD.

The temple is dedicated to the Hindu God Surya shaped like a giant chariot, the temple is known for the exquisite stone carvings that cover the entire structure. It is the best-known tourist destination in Orissa and has been a World Heritage Site since 1984.

Konark Temple
Konark Temple


Fact NO 1- Konark temple was built on a chariot

chariot and wheels

Konark Sun temple is based on Chariot Based Construction. It was designed as an elegantly ornated chariot that is mounted on twenty-four wheels. Each of these wheels is about ten feet in diameter. It lies close to the shore of the Bay of Bengal. The sight of this temple is marvelous, and the architecture design is extraordinary.

Fact no 2– A heart touching view in sunrise

Sunrise at konark sun temple

When you will see the temple from outside during dawn or sunrise, you will notice that the chariot-shaped temple appears to be emerging from the depths of the blue sea carrying the sun.

Fact no3-About the seven horses in the temple


Name of the seven horses of chariot are Gayatri, Brihati, Ushnih, Jagati, Trishtubha, Anushtubha, and Pankti.These Horses are use for moving the chariot.These horses are named after the seven meters of Sanskrit prosody.

Fact no 4-About the wheel of chariot

 Wheel of Konark

The size and architecture of the 24 wheels is same but each one of them has been differently carved all over. The thicker ones are all carved with circular medallions at their centres on the widest part of the face. The axels of the wheels project by about one foot from the surface, having similar decorations at their ends. The rims are carved with designs of foliages with various birds and animals, whereas the medallions in the spokes are carved with the figures of women in various luxurious poses, mostly of sensual nature.

Fact no 5- Outside the Konark temple (Man, Elephant and lion)

Lion elephant and man sculpture at konark temple

Outside the temple, there are two identical sculptures. These sculptures shows a lion which is crushing an elephant and that elephant crushing a man. Here lion represents power and elephant represents wealth. The illustration shows the major problem faced by man in his life that is money and power.  

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