Are you feel overweight?
Are you feel your daily life is impacted by overweight?
If Yes, then this article is for you. Nowadays overweight, obesity is a common problem. But if you don’t know the right direction to lose weight, then it will be a very stressful job for your daily life.
For weight lose is it mandatory to join a gym?
No, it’s not mandatory. According to researchers, you can lose fat by taking good food, improving your lifestyle and eating habits. A good diet plan consists of a low carbohydrate, high protein intake and less fat consumption helps you to burn some extra calories in your body.
According to the National Library of Medicine(NLM) in 2008 the number of overweight adults was 1.5 billion, of which 200 million were men and 500 million were women. Obesity is a cause of many diseases like Diabetes, High blood pressure, Heart disease, etc. It is also considered as the fifth cause of death.
Maintaining a healthy weight is most important. Many of us make a diet routine but after some days we do not follow that. Because it does not give a satisfactory result. Hence here we introduce a Diet Plan for Weight Loss in 7 days
7 Days- Plan for Weight Loss
In our Diet plan, you will eat two meals, a one-time breakfast and one snack a day. The diet menu which has consisted of 40% of carbohydrates, 40% of proteins, and 20% of healthy fats.
Day-1 Monday
After starting your day with warm lemon water on an empty stomach. That will helps you to lose weight.
- Breakfast– 1 Boiled Egg (remove egg Yolk), 1 Apple, Warm Lemon Water drink
- Lunch– 1 Bowl Salad (green vegetables), Boiled Chicken Breast (50gms), Boiled Water
- Snack– Cut Fruits (1 Bowl ), Skimmed Milk 1 Cup
- dinner– 1 Roti(Chopati), 1/2 bowl Dal
Drink warm water 4-5 glasses for whole day.
Day-2 Tuesday
On the second day, the diet starts with Cucumber Juice, which is the best ingredient to help lose weight.
- Breakfast– 1 Glass of Cucumber Juice (take on an empty stomach), 1 Bowl of Oats and Warm Milk.
- Lunch-1 Bowl of Methi Rice with Skimmed Milk Panner (50gms)
- Snack– 1 Bowl of Cut Fruits, 1 Glass of Warm Milk
- Dinner– 1 Bowl of Mixed Vegetable Salad
Drink warm water 4-5 glasses for whole day.
Day-3 Wednesday
On the third day starts with Beet Juice.
- Breakfast– 1 Glass of Beet Juice, 1 Egg (remove egg Yolk), 1 Apple
- Lunch– 1 Bowl of Mixed Vegetable Salad, Skimmed Chicken breast (50gms),1 Glass of Warm Milk
- Snack– Cut Fruits of 1Banana and 1 Apple
- Dinner– Do not eat anything
Drink warm water 4-5 glasses for whole day.
Day-4 Thursday
On the fourth day the diet plan starts with Green Vegetable Juice.
- Breakfast– 1 Glass of Green Vegetable Juice, 1 Bowl of Cut Fruits
- Lunch– 1 Roti(Chopati), Skimmed Milk Panner (50gms)
- Snack– 1 Cup of Cinnamon and Ginger drink, 2 Sugar Free Biscuits
- Dinner– 1 Bowl of Mixed Vegetable Salad
Drink warm water 4-5 glasses for whole day.
Day-5 Friday
on the fifth day starts with Cucumber Juice.
- Breakfast– 1 Glass of Cucumber Juice, 1 Boiled Egg (remove Yolk), 1 Banana
- Lunch-1 Bowl of Methi Rice with Skimmed Milk Panner (50gms)
- Snack– Don’t eat Anything
- Dinner– 1 Bowl of Mixed Vegetable, 1 Cup of Skimmed Milk
Drink warm water 4-5 glasses for the whole day.
Day-6 Saturday
on the sixth day starts with Carrot Juice.
- Breakfast– 1 Glass of Carrot Juice, 1 Bowl of Cut Fruits
- Lunch– 1 Boel of Mixed Vegetable Salad, 1 Glass of Warm Water
- Snack– 1 Cup of Lemon Tea
- Dinner– 1 Bowl of Cut fruits
Drink warm water 4-5 glasses for the whole day.
Day-7 Sunday
on the seventh day starts with Cucumber Juice.
- Breakfast– 1 Glass of Cucumber Juice, 1 Boiled Egg (remove Yolk), 1 Banana
- Lunch-1 Bowl Salad (green vegetables), Boiled Chicken Breast (50gms), Boiled Water
- Snack– 1 Cup of Cinnamon and Ginger drink, 2 Sugar Free Biscuits
- Dinner– Don’t eat Anything
Drink warm water 4-5 glasses for the whole day.
Final Tip
I hope this article gives you a better solution for the diet plan. Above mentioned Diet Plan for Weight Loss is effective for weight loss. This Diet plan affects your body through which you will feel the result after seven days. If we miss something related to the Diet plan then please comment to us below, Thank you.